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Ok, so, Mr. Burke (I know that’s not your real name but I’ll just keep referring to you as Burke or Edmund), let’s posit that I agree with you. Let’s posit that I think the affirmative action is a mistake and that the Supreme Court should overturn Bakke and rule against Harvard (whose admissions policy sounds legitimately racist). Let’s posit that I think the NIH circumventing law to preference people based on race (while ignoring socioeconomic or rural diversity - as the left has done for decades) is wrong and an abuse of my taxpayer dollars (setting aside any libertarian objections I might have to paying taxes or to institutions such as the NIH for the moment). Let’s posit all that. But still, why should I care? Why should I be outraged? I’m not terribly surprised by the facts you lay out. I’d like you to explain to me what the real danger is here. What’s next?

Basically, you’re right that this is a problem, but I think you need to explain to readers what the next shoe to drop is. Because if this is it, there are far worse abuses in the federal government alone. But I think you’re worried about something bigger. I could be mistaken or perhaps I’ve missed something in your piece but it seems to me the real danger isn’t this but something else. For the record, I’d say that Ibram Kendi’s antiracism is actively racist. But so far there isn’t any egregious harm done by the NIH’s grant policy that I can tell (emphasis on egregious). Please take my questions in good faith as I’m genuinely curious.

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